State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

INFOGRAPHIC: What to look for when using social listening in Ramadan

In every country and setting; there are typically “ON” seasons when it comes to social media monitoring, those seasons are characterized by a very high rate of activities like comments, shares, replies, mentions, tweets and retweets. Discover below our top tips for proper social media monitoring in Ramadan 2019. 


Those seasons are typically seasons where huge volume of users are in tune with a particular event like the Superbowl in the USA, the European champions league all over the world and, of course, Ramadan and the Lesser Eid (Eid El Fetr) in the Middle East. 

While Ramadan is a month of worship, it has come in the past years to be typically characterized by  a very busy Television season; food, worship and charity. Making it the high season for brands to advertise and/or research competitors and for makers of Drama shows and Programs to have the highest viewership and for social media audience to express many opinions and stories to tell, in turn, the best market insight.  

Due to this,  it is the optimum season for brands utilizing social media monitoring to truly create powerful experiences for their target audience.

We, at Crowd Analyzer, consider Ramadan as one of our busiest seasons of the year and our tool spares nothing to help our clients achieve the optimum social media monitoring process and optimum results.

We created our own Ramadan dashboard in 2019 and we have discovered so many insights that are beneficial for marketing enthusiasts when monitoring social data in high seasons such as Ramadan.

1- Choose Your metrics wisely

While our dashboard brought us data on impressions, mentions, interactions, gender, location and sentiment related to Ramadan content, it was essential for us to determine what metrics can help bring us true insights. We chose the activities metric as our main focus because our aim was to find what TV shows were the most “interacted with”.

2- Determine your locations

Determining your locations helps you determine you audience. Social data can be assessed from all over the world but it doesn’t make sense to include locations that don’t really cater to your audience.

3- Focus on Genders

Brands looking to strategize their activities online should focus on Genders and types of audience interacting whether as male, female or business accounts or when it comes to age brackets.

4- Sentiments matter

It is not easy being in the marketing and creative businesses, we hear this a lot from our clients who come from all walks of life. Audience may not respond well to types of content and social media monitoring activities should look at sentiment of all interactions and mentions.

Note: Sentiment is never 100% accurate for any topic monitored, however, research teams can go through samples of posts and determine to a large extent whether the main sentiment is neutral, negative or positive.

5- Influencer and their influence

Research done through social media monitoring can easily determine for brands and content creators whether their influence is , ehm,  truly influencing audience. It is easy to track influencers and content creators and seeing whether their performance is actually good enough for future work and cooperation.

6- Filtering Helps!

What we see every year as we monitoring Ramadan activities is the billions of potential impressions and millions of interactions from audience on all social and online platforms, this can be overwhelming when you log in to your monitoring platform.

Look at the various options for filtering streams and channels for the exact type of insights you are looking to find. Otherwise, you might end up feeling lost or missing out on insights that can help you determine where to capitalize or what to avoid.

7- It is not all numbers

While our Ramadan weekly results below can be quite insightful when it comes to numbers however, not all your searches should focus on numbers. Looking at high volume keywords and hashtags associated with your brand or topic can be quite insightful when it comes to creating content that inspires audiences to interact.

Got all the tips? Here is how the Middle East responded to TV shows airing on multiple channels across the region.

 infographic (2)

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