State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

10 Facts About PubG From Social Media Monitoring

PubG is certainly one of the hits that caused a huge buzz among online players and users. Crowd Analyzer’s team has been monitoring social media platforms to extract data about how online users are perceiving the booming online game PubG! We monitored for more than 3 months and collected the following facts, enjoy!

#10 PubG Receives an average of 10K Interactions/day


PUBG-related posts received more than 10K interactions on Twitter in the MENA region! It is currently the most talked-about game in the MENA region since its launch it has constantly gained popularity and is generating more content by online users. It doesn’t look like it’ll lose the hype anytime soon.


#9 Online users are waiting for the updates!


On December 17, PubG was mentioned more than 9k times in the MENA region, in no more than a few hours. The mentions were about the update PubG developers did by adding the Arabic language option to MENA region servers. The update generated so much traffic, indicating the popularity of such a needed feature.


#8 You Guessed it… Females aren’t into PubG!


At least 85% of middle eastern females aren’t really into PubG, and perhaps aren’t into video games anyway! It’s quite the expectation though, females aren’t always big on gaming. Our stream showed that 80% of PubG-related content is published by male users, while no more than 15% was published by female users.


#6 Egypt and KSA were the most active countries

The majority of online conversations in the MENA region were generated from Egypt and KSA, which is rather expected as KSA and Egypt are the top active countries in the middle east when it comes to twitter activity. Given that we monitored Twitter, it came to our surprise that Egypt had the biggest share of voice, owning 41%, while Saudi users owned 24% of the share of voice.


Fact #5 Fake accounts owned 4% of total activities

The majority of these activities occurred after the Dec 17th update when the game hashtag became a trend in the MENA region.

(+++++Visual ++++++) Before the Update average daily Mentions 2.3K

After the update average daily mentions 4.5K

but after we exclude the fake accounts (bots)

Before the Update average daily Mentions 2.1K

After the update average daily mentions 1.4K

Fact #3 Positive feedback decreased after December 17th update!

It seems that not only the number of mentions that is going down, users also had less positive things to share about the game. As the game servers were down for a couple of hours on the day of the update which encouraged many users to complain on Twitter.

Fact #2 The top 2 monitored posts are about NOT playing it!

Top 2 posts about PUBG game has been degenerated tweets (users stating that they do not play the game). It is interesting that the popularity of this game has reached a level where people engage in its buzz without even being fans of it.

Top Posts:

FACT #1 There isn’t an official page for Arabic users

It seems that there is no official twitter account dedicated to Arabic speaking players. Although many play the game in the Middle East, their concerns aren’t officially addressed unless by fellow players or other unofficial social media accounts.

We are yet to find out if the game that listens to their Arabic/MENA clients would provide their users with the opportunity to talk back.


Fun Fact! No one uses the full name of the game!

More than 1 Million activities were monitored about PUBG from MENA countries, but none of them mentioned the full official name of the game; Players Unknown Battlegrounds.


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