State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

The State Of Social Media In The Media Sector Of The MENA Region 2018

Media in short refers to the collective communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. In our study on social media in the media sector we decided to conduct an analysis on Online VS Offline TV. The results of this article are based on analyzing all activities about NetflixMENA VS. (DubaiOne AND MBC2) social media accounts on Twitter, Brands’ Facebook Pages, News, Blogs, and Forums. In addition, a 1-month analysis sector is added separately for Instagram. We will refer to NetflixMENA as Online TV and DubaiOne and MBC 2 as Offline TV. All data in this article is generated through the Crowd Analyzer tool.


Activities On Social Media In The Media Sector



Most Active Countries On Social Media In The Media Sector 



Looking at the country with the highest activities we can find a huge difference between Online TV and Offline TV.

  • Offline TV

Egyptian users were the most active regarding offline TV, owning 47% of the activities, while Saudi Arabia and UAE followed by owning 18% and 13% respectively.

  • Online TV

Saudi Arabia took the lead with 50% of the activities followed by UAE with only 10%. Although Egyptian users ranked highest in offline TV, their activity regarding online TV did not exceed 5%.


Male Users, Female Users, Business Accounts, & Locations



Offline TV

  • Business Accounts

For offline TV, Business accounts were the least active in all monitored countries except for The UAE at which it was 77% of the overall buzz social media in the media sector.

  • Male Users VS. Female Users

Female users weren’t as active as male users. Oman was an exception, as Omani female users where female users owned 59% of the activities of the country.


Online TV

  • Business Accounts:

Online TV was a little bit different. Business accounts did not participate as much as they did in offline TV. Business accounts’ contribution was low, as the highest was in Egypt, where they owned no more than 12% of the buzz.

  • Male Users VS. Female Users:

Male users dominated the activities in all countries but it was the highest in Jordan by 92%. Egyptian and Kuwaiti female users were the most active regarding offline TV, where they owned 16% of the buzz in both countries.


Which countries preferred English, which preferred Arabic?



Arabic dominated both Online and Offline TV across the whole region, expect for online TV Jordan, which was dominated by English content.


  • Offline TV

When talking about offline TV, most of content was published in Arabic. The highest usage of English was in UAE with no more than 26%. The country with the highest number of Arabic content was Saudi Arabia, which had more than 95% of its activities in Arabic.

  • Online TV

The case for online TV wasn’t much different, as most of the published content was in Arabic, except for Jordan, where most of users prefered to publish English content. The highest activity rate in English was in Jordan and UAE, who had 79% and 40% of their content in English respectively.


Which Countries owned the Most Sentimental Posts?



  • Offline TV

For Offline TV, Egyptian users had the highest number of sentimental posts with 23% of their activities expressing an opinion. UAE, on the other hand, had the highest number of neutral content, with no more than 8% of its activities expressing an opinion or a sentiment. In general, positive content ranked higher than negative content. Saudi Arabia was the only country with very close percentages for negative and positive content; as 8% of its content was positive, and 7% of its content was negative.

  • Online TV

For Online TV, Jordanian and Saudi users had the highest number of sentimental posts with 22% each. Meanwhile, Egyptian users had the lowest percentage of sentimental activities with only 13%.


Which Online Channels Were Mostly Used?



Which Channels Did Business Accounts, Male Users, & Female Users Use?




  • Offline TV

Business Accounts:

For Offline TV, business accounts were responsible for almost all content on blogs and news channels. On both channels, they were responsible for more than 95% of the content.  

Male Users VS. Female Users:

Male users were the most active on Twitter and forums. Meanwhile, female users were the most active on Facebook, with around 51%.


  • Online TV

Business Accounts:

Business accounts dominated blogs, forums and news channels. Business accounts were mostly active on news websites with more than 82%, followed by 77% on blogs, and 63% on forums.

Male Users VS. Female Users:

For Online TV, female users had the lowest participation in general except for Facebook where business accounts participation was the lowest. While, male participants dominated Facebook and Twitter.


Channels Expressing Sentiments



Twitter contained the highest number of sentimental activities in both Online and Offline TV. Positive significantly dominated all channels on social media in the media sector, excluding forums. In online TV, negative and positive content on forums  were equal.


Males Users, Female Users, & Business Accounts. Who’s Leading the Talk About Media?


Which Channels Do Different Genders Prefer? 



Twitter was the most used channel for both male users and female users in online and offline TV. Twitter contained 97% of individual users’ content on offline.


  • Offline TV

Business Accounts:

As per business accounts that tweet and post about offline TV, they did not utilize Twitter as much as individuals did. These accounts relied more on Facebook to publish 43% of their content. Their second prefered channel was Twitter, with 35% of business accounts’ content published on the platform.  

Male Users VS. Female Users:

97% of individual users who are interested in offline TV prefered Twitter to express their opinion. Females as well as males.


  • Online TV

Business Accounts:

As per online TV, business accounts were mostly active on news websites, publishing 40% of their content on these channels. Following news websites was Twitter, which was prefered by owners of 29% of the content on online TV.

Male Users VS. Female Users:

Male and female users were not very different in their prefered channels. Both genders were mostly active on Twitter, followed by Facebook. Twitter contained 69% of the male users’ content, and 63% of the female users’ content. Facebook contained 27% of the female users’ content and 29% of the male users’.


What Did Each Gender Express About Offline & Online TV?



While positive is the dominating sentiment in all genders, female users seem to express more satisfaction that male users, in both online and offline TV. . In general on social media in the media sector, female users were more expressive than their male counterparts, having 23% and 21% of their activities with sentiment for both offline and online TV.


Which Language Was Most Used Amongst Business Accounts & Genders?




  • Offline TV

Business accounts as well as individual users preferred to use Arabic in offline TV. Male users prefered to write 88% of their content in Arabic. While business accounts, who published ranked lowest in offline TV Arabic content, used the language in 70% of their posts.

  • Online TV

Online TV was subject to more English content than offline TV. Business accounts were more active in English, publishing 60% of their content in the language. Meanwhile, 42% of female users’ content was in English. Male users were the most active in Arabic, as only 24% of their content was in English.


Arabic VS English!



Which Gender Participated More To A Language?

  • Offline TV

Male and female users were almost as participant in both languages. 54% of Arabic content, and 46% of English content was owned by maler users. Female users owned 42% of the both Arabic and English content. What is remarkable is that business accounts didn’t have a contribution to mention compared to individuals. Business accounts owned 12% and 4% of English and Arabic content respectively.

  • Online TV

Male users dominated both English and Arabic content. While male users owned 78% of the Arabic content on online TV, female users only contributed with 13% of the content. Female users and business accounts were more participating in English as they contributed with 19% and 29% respectively.


Which Language Was Used For Which Channel?



Twitter, being the most utilized channel in online and offline TV, was used by online users in both languages except for offline TV english content, which was dominated by Facebook. It is very obvious that 65% of the segment that talks about offline TV in English, which is not a large one, feels more comfortable using Facebook rather than Twitter. Other than that, Twitter is the key, followed by Facebook, then news websites.


Positive & Negative Content


How Did Genders Contribute to Sentimental Content? 



  • Offline TV

Business accounts barely published any sentimental content. The difference between the sentiment expressed by male users and female users is as minor as an 8% more positive content owned by the gentlemen.

  • Online TV

Online TV was very much more diverse. First, business accounts were more participant in the neutral content , compared with offline TV. Female users’ contribution was much lower in Online TV. Male users participated by 83% to negative content, and 78% to positive content.


How Was The Sentimental Content Allocated Among Channels?



Percentages are very similar. In a nutshell, Facebook dominated offline TV and Twitter dominated online TV. We need to mention that when Twitter, at its most, contained 11% of the sentimental posts on offline TV, Facebook contained 23% of online TV content.


Check out more exciting insights in our recent blog article on social media in the telecommunication sector which is also part of The State Of Social Media Report. With insights covering the top telecommunication companies in Egypt.


Special Analysis of Instagram!

So we do not neglect Instagram, which is one of the most commonly used channels, we conducted a month-long condensed analysis of online and offline Instagram posts.



Where Do People Resort To Instagram When It Comes To Social Media In The Media Sector?


The UAE dominated most of the activities, as it owned 35% and 36% of the content on online and offline TV respectively.  Saudi Arabia came in the 2nd place in online TV, while Iraq did on offline TV.


Who Used Instagram more?


Just like other channels on social media in the media sector, activities on Instagram were dominated by male users, as they owned 56% in online and offline TV. Business also reserved their minimal participation to rank as the least active on Instagram, yet they were more contributing to offline TV, owning 15% of the buzz.


Which Language Did Instagram Users Prefer?



Most of users prefered to write their captions in Arabic. However, those who posted about offline TV were more prone to use Arabic, composing 71% of the buzz, while 60% of those who posted about online TV, posted in Arabic.


Where Instagram Users Satisfied?


instagram, user satisfaction

Such as the majority of topics on social media in the media sector neutrality owned the content. Positive posts where more than twice as many as negative content in online TV, while they were triple the negative content in offline TV.


The social media in the media sector is only one of 8 industries that were covered in the State of Social Media 2018. Download your free copy to access the comprehensive report with all the data and insights.

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