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State of Social Media 2024 Report!

RiseUp Summit 2016- The ScoreCard

When technology meets creative ideas and initiative minds, miracles simply happen. That’s how RiseUp Summit set Downtown-Cairo on fire, during its annual Summit early December 2016. Gathering thousands of entrepreneurs from different parts of the world, the summit lasted for three festive days that were rich, informative, and full of fun, excitement, challenges, inspiration, and motivation. The best part was that Crowd Analyzer had the opportunity to join this technology festival, not only as a participant, but to present our mind-blowing real-time Command Center.


Let us take you through our awesome experience.


RiseUp Summit, for those who don’t know, is a global movement that aims to connect startups to the different resources they need from all over the world. This year, the Summit had more than 4 thousand attendees, over one thousand entrepreneurs, 240 speakers and 90 exhibitors, and we were there to capture it all.



We partnered with our awesome friends at Kijamii, to present the first Command Center to RiseUp Summit. Using 6 different screens, the center monitored the mentions and comments that people made about the event on social media platforms, then presented them as trends and analytics in real time. In these screens, there was a live timeline, showing all mentions and was being updated whenever comes a new mention. Other screens showed data analyzing the mentions based on: gender, location, sentiment, trending posts, trending keywords and top influencers. There was also an overview counting the total number of posts, the number of posts per minute, and the percentage of mentions on each platform, as well as a Realtime graph showing the change in mentions.

RiseUp Summit on Social Media

Using our dashboard, we monitored the buzz on the RiseUp Summit on social media platforms, almost ten days before the event started. During that time and until the end of December, RiseUp Summit was occupying most of people’s conversations on social media, with mentions from Egypt, USA, UAE, Jordan, UK and even the US. With 92% of the mentions on Twitter, in comparison to 8% on Facebook and almost no mentions on Instagram whether in mentions or on Riseup’s owned media, RiseUp Summit had more positive sentiment than negative, and a majority of neutral mentions.


RiseUp Summit in numbers

Zooming in to Egypt, it comes to no surprise that it had the most mentions, which were mostly made by businesses, yet there was a notable 8% participation from female users, and 16% of male users.


Riseup Summit Top Mentions

  • Top Positive Mention 

Top Positive Mention

  • Top Negative Mention 

  • Influencer Scorecard

  • Top Video

With over 5000 views and 198 likes and an overall positive sentiment, Riseup’s final recap video was the top video this year.

A Challenge Before We RiseUp: #PurposeDrivenStartups

Abdelhameed Sharara, CEO of RiseUp Summit,  challenged some of the most successful entrepreneurs to make a ten-minutes live Facebook video to talk about their startups and how RiseUp Summit is making a positive difference for them. We joined the challenge too. Here is our CEO Ahmed Saad, our CTO Bahaa Galal and our Director of PR Radwa Rashad, explaining Crowd Analyzer.




 We had a great time at Rise Up Summit 2016 and we can’t wait for Rise Up Summit 2017 already!

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