State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

Crowd Analyzer’s Newest Feature: Historical Data

Have you ever wanted to plan for a seasonal social media campaign and barely knew information from last year? Don’t you sometimes think of scrolling down an account on social media to analyze an activity from last year? Are you struggling to know your brand’s online presence over the years? These moments are when you strictly need online historical data.


When you’re composing the marketing strategy for a seasonal event or conducting competitive analysis, you may need to get insights from last years’ seasons to further enhance your plan. Online historical data allows you to understand online users’ behavior in the past, peak hours for posting, types of content that get higher engagement rates, and much more insights. This online historical data will definitely give you an edge and assist you to create an accurate marketing and research strategy without modifying your plan over and over again.


With Crowd Analyzer’s newest feature, you will have access to online historical data to speed up your workflow. It will also give you space to focus more on the creative material you’re publishing. Instead of manually extracting the data you’re looking for, the tool will retrieve and analyze your information from the past.

Ways that online historical data can help you:

  • Getting a more accurate competitive analysis that covers a long period of time
  • Analyzing previous campaigns similar to your current or upcoming one
  • Getting insights regarding when to post on social media during special events and seasons
  • Knowing which types of content get more engagement during special seasons
  • Understanding online users’ behavior in the past
  • Knowing the historical usage of a specific keyword over time


Much more can be done with online historical data depending on the type of product or service you provide and your current business objective. For instance, media agencies might use the feature to know the buzz created by previous campaigns. FMCGs can measure the impact of previous seasonal campaigns and compare them to the results of a recent campaign.


How to utilize online historical data?

There are many ways to utilize online historical data. Some businesses often need to keep a track of online mentions of certain topics. Take the following graph as an example of retrieved online historical data.

In this example, an automotive company retrieved data related to three topics they were interested in; spare parts, price, and speed. The results show a rapid increase in the mentions of prices from 2008 to 2014. Since 2014, online users started to mention speed more. Such insights might guide the company to focus more on posting content related to speed rather than posting about other features that might not receive the interaction. You don’t need to compromise any insights to get historical data. The tool would still give insights about the information gathered such as location, gender, sentiment, most used hashtags… etc.


The following example shows how online users reacted to a brand crisis in 2014. The company took some countermeasures in 2015 and 2016 as the gap between negative and positive posts became narrower.


For current clients:

In order to activate the historical data feature, you will need to inform your customer success manager from Crowd Analyzer. Afterward, your quota will be activated immediately.

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