State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

The State Of Social Media In Banking In MENA Region 2018

Banking refers to the industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions & offering savings accounts, certificates of deposit and checking accounts. We conducted thorough analysis on social media in banking within the MENA region in 2018. Insights in this article are based on online public activities of 10 banks in the UAE. The monitoring process covered public Instagram posts and news articles. All data in this article is generated through the Crowd Analyzer tool.

Activities of Social Media in Banking



Banking & Different Channels




Since Twitter wasn’t part of our analysis for banking and finance, it turned out that online users were more prone to use Instagram, as 85.6% of users published their content on Instagram, while only 14.3% preferred news websites.


How did Different Business Accounts & Individuals from Both Genders Use Different Platforms?




  • Business Accounts

Business accounts owned 100% of content on news websites, which is close to what is expected. They were also the most active on Instagram as they owned almost 45% of the content published on Instagram.

  • Male Users VS Female Users

While business dominated the activities of the social media in banking, individuals were more active on Instagram, and weren’t as active as business accounts. However, male users were twice as active as female users. Male users owned 38.9% of the Instagram, while female users published slightly more than 16% of the content of the platform.


What Was The Expressed Sentiment On Instagram?




While we know by now that business accounts are the main owners of neutral content, and they owned 100% of the content on news websites, we know that these websites only have neutral content. The sentimental posts were exclusive to Instagram. However, even Instagram seems to be dominated by neutral content with 80% of the platforms’ posts expressing no sentiment at all. Aside from neutral content, more than 17% of the content on the platform expressed positive sentiment, while only 2.5% of the content expressed dissatisfaction.


Banking By Business Accounts, Male & Female Users




Which Platforms Did Different Genders Prefer?





  • Business Accounts

Business accounts contributed to the content of social media in banking on Instagram as well as news websites where they owned all the related content. Instagram hosted 42% of their content, while the rest went to news websites.

  • Male Users VS Female Users

Individuals did not publish any content on news websites, which made Instagram the main platform for online activities of male and female users.


What did Each Gender Express?





As business accounts only published neutral content, individual male and female users were the owners of sentimental content. The majority of their content was neutral, while keeping the difference between both genders very similar. Male and female users kept 75.7% and 73.1% of their content neutral respectively. 4.2% of male users’ content expressed a negative sentiment, while only 2.1% of the female users’ content was negative.


Who Chose Which Language to Publish Their Content?





  • Business Accounts

Although business accounts in UAE use English relatively more than Arabic, businesses related to bank services and banks seem to differ from this assumption. 55% of business accounts’ content was in English while the rest was in Arabic.

  • Male Users VS Female Users

Most of the male users preferred to use Arabic in writing their content, owning 53.2% of their content in Arabic. On the other hand, the vast majority of female users preferred English over Arabic, which published 77.7% of their content in English.


Arabic, English, & Banking




How Did Business Accounts & Genders Utilize Language?




So, who contributed to the content in each language? Well, this is where we conduct an analysis of the language in which content is published in. As business accounts are the most active in this buzz, they dominated more than 74% of the content in English as well as Arabic. Male users’ contribution to Arabic content exceeded their contribution to English content, owning 21% of Arabic content, while they owned no more than 15% of English content. Female users were different, as they preferred English content over Arabic content. Female users owned 11.1% of English content, while their minimal contribution to the Arabic buzz did not exceed 4%.


How Was Language Distributed Over Channels?





Some platforms are meant to include more content of a specific language. This is essential for businesses that target different segments and would like to further understand how to allocate their content. For social media in banking, Arabic and English content were dominated by Instagram. However, as we go deeper into numbers, we realize that Arabic was less popular than English on Instagram, unlike new websites. While more than 80% of English content was published on Instagram.


Satisfied, Dissatisfied? What Did The Sentiment Reveal?  





Who Conveyed More Sentiment?





  • Business Accounts

As we already concluded, business accounts don’t usually publish sentimental content. Hence, they owned more than 74% of the neutral buzz, and 0% of the positive and negative content.

  • Male Users VS Female Users

Male users owned the majority of positive and negative content. However, their contribution to the negative buzz was much higher than the positive one. They owned more than 82% of the negative content. Female users’ contribution to the positive buzz was twice as much as their contribution to the negative content.


Which Platform Was Most Suitable to Express Sentiment?





Check out more exciting insights in our recent blog article on social media in the Finance sector which is also part of The State Of Social Media Report. With insights covering the overall state of social media within the Finance sector in the MENA region.


More Insights

  • Top Posts

We know that Instagram was more utilized in social media in banking buzz, it is expected that its hosts the top interactive posts. What’s interesting is that the top posts were owned by female users, who were the least active in the social media in banking buzz.



A post shared by Emirates Islamic (@emiratesislamic) on



  • Most Active News Websites




  • Most Popular Hashtags



Check out our The Social Media in Banking industry is only one of 8 industries that were covered in the State of Social Media 2018. Download your free copy to access the comprehensive report with all the data and insights.

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